The Academic Minute from 09.07 – 09.11
Monday, September 7th
Dayna DeFeo – University of Alaska Anchorage
Teacher Shortage
Dr. Dayna DeFeo joined ISER in 2014 and is currently a research assistant professor and the director of the Center for Alaska Education Policy Research. She holds a PhD in Curriculum & Instruction form New Mexico State University. Dr. DeFeo’s primary research interests include college and postsecondary transitions, particularly in the career and technical fields and for underrepresented populations; teacher turnover, supply, and demand; and representation and hegemony in the curriculum and institutional systems.
Tuesday, September 8th
Tiffany Cresswell-Yeager – Gwynedd Mercy University
College Choice Among First-Generation College Students
Dr. Tiffany J. Cresswell-Yeager is an assistant professor of Higher Education Leadership at Gwynedd Mercy University. She teaches in the doctoral program in educational leadership, specifically in the higher education concentration. With an extensive background in higher education administration, her career spans two decades leading and supervising student services, intercollegiate athletics, enrollment services, and alumni relations. Her research interests include the scholarship of teaching and learning, first-generation college students’ college choice, and the first-year experience.
Wednesday, September 9th
Cinzia Pica-Smith – Assumption University
Interracial Friendships
Cinzia is an Associate Professor at Assumption University in Worcester, MA in both the Education Department and the Department of Human Services and Rehabilitation Studies. She has authored numerous peer-reviewed journals and articles focused on the interracial friendships of youth in schools; paying particular attention to how educators and school systems in both the U.S. and Europe can create equitable and socially just school environments to support young people. She was awarded a Distinguished Paper Award by the American Educational Research Association for her article about the raced, classed, and gendered deficit discourses related to so-called “at risk” youth and has been honored by the Association for Childhood Education International. Her most recent publication is a book titled Social Justice Education in European Multiethnic Schools: Addressing the Goals of Intercultural Education.
Thursday, September 10th
John Donnellan – New Jersey City University
ARC Model for Higher Education
Dr. John Donnellan is Associate Professor and Chair of the Management Department at the NJCU School of Business. He is a two-time Fulbright Fellow scholar conducting research on cooperative education between Finland and the U.S. He recently presented a paper on pedagogy research at Oxford University Green Templeton College. Dr. Donnellan is a former Wall Street Executive from JPMorgan and teaches in China, Finland and France each year.
Friday, September 11th
Ray Brescia – Albany Law School
Social Distance and Social Changes
Professor Brescia combines his experience as a public interest attorney in New York City with his scholarly interests to address economic and social inequality, the legal and policy implications of financial crises, how innovative legal and regulatory approaches can improve economic and community development efforts, and the need to expand access to justice for people of low and moderate income.