Month: April 2023
Kate Mulligan, University of Toronto – Loneliness as a Health Issue
Loneliness is a growing health problem, but how do medical professionals treat it? Kate Mulligan, assistant professor of social and behavioral health sciences at the University of Toronto, has some suggestions. Dr. Kate Mulligan is an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto and the Senior Director of the Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing. Her…
This Week on The Academic Minute (2023.04.10)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2023.04.10 Monday Kate Mulligan, assistant professor of social and behavioral health sciences at the University of Toronto, says loneliness is a growing health problem, but how do medical professionals treat it? Tuesday Joanne Dickson, professor of psychology and mental health at Edith Cowan University, explores how mental flexibility can…
The Academic Minute for 2023.04.03-2023.04.07
The Academic Minute from 4.03 – 4.07 Monday Sarah Abreveya Stein – University of California Los Angeles The Intersectional Space of a Vichy French WWII Labor Camp in the Algerian Sahara Sarah Abrevaya Stein is Professor of History, Sady and Ludwig Kahn Director of the Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies, and Viterbi Family…
Kimia Ghobadi, Johns Hopkins University – One Size Doesn’t Fit All: An AI Approach to Healthier Eating
A.I. has been getting mixed press lately, but can it help us become healthier? Kimia Ghobadi, John C. Malone assistant professor in the department of civil and systems engineering at Johns Hopkins University, considers algorithms and diets. Kimia Ghobadi is a John C. Malone Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Systems Engineering at…
Andrew Neff, Emory University – Drug-Delivery Technology Opens New Doors for Psychiatric Treatments
New psychiatric treatments could be on the way to the brain. Andrew Neff, visiting assistant professor of psychology at Oxford College of Emory University, discusses the benefits. Andrew Neff, Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology at Oxford College of Emory University, researches mental health, education, and new technology developments in neuroscience. His Podcast and Audiobocalled Neighborhood…
Joseph Larkin, University of Florida – What Do Babies’ Dirty Diapers Tell Us About COVID-19 Vaccination
Mothers may be protecting their babies against COVID-19 by passing along antibodies. Joseph Larkin, associate professor of microbiology and cell science at the University of Florida, describes the process. Joseph Larkin III is an immunologist specializing in autoimmune diseases and novel treatments for these conditions. He is also interested in understanding how human milk affects…
Dawn Brancati, Yale University – Locking Down ISIS
The COVID lockdowns may have had unintended benefits. Dawn Brancati, senior lecturer in the political science department at Yale University, looks into one. Senior Lecturer in the political science department at Yale University, who studies peacebuilding, especially in relation to democracy and democratic institutions. Locking Down ISIS At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, non-state…
Sarah Abreveya Stein, University of California Los Angeles – The Intersectional Space of a Vichy French WWII Labor Camp in the Algerian Sahara
There are still stories from World War II that need to be told. Sarah Abreveya Stein, professor of history at the University of California Los Angeles, listens to voices of the past. Sarah Abrevaya Stein is Professor of History, Sady and Ludwig Kahn Director of the Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies, and Viterbi…
This Week on The Academic Minute (2023.04.03)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2023.04.03 Monday Sarah Abreveya Stein, professor of history at the University of California Los Angeles, listens to voices of the past for stories from World War II that need to be told. Tuesday Dawn Brancati, senior lecturer in the political science department at Yale University, looks into an unintended…
The Academic Minute for 2023.03.27-2023.03.31
The Academic Minute from 3.27 – 3.31 Monday Moussa N’Gom – Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Optics: The Future of Computation and Medicine Moussa N’Gom is an assistant professor in the Department of Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Following an early career in industry as a senior research scientist in ultrafast lasers, optical…