Tag: University of Florida
This Week On The Academic Minute (2017.3.13)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2017.3.13 Monday, March 13th Jennifer Mueller of the University of San Diego discusses business leaders rejecting creativity even when it could benefit them. Tuesday, March 14th Kishwar Rizvi of Yale University looks at art from Iran in the time of kings and queens. Wednesday, March 15th Yanmei Zheng of…
The Academic Minute for 2016.10.24-10.28
Academic Minute from 10.24 – 10.28 Monday, October 24th Corey Seemiller – Wright State University Young Voters Dr. Corey Seemiller received her Bachelor’s degree in Communication from Arizona State University, Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Northern Arizona University, and Ph.D. in Higher Education from the University of Arizona. She has worked as a leadership…
The Academic Minute for 2016.10.17-10.21
Academic Minute from 10.17 – 10.21 Monday, October 17th Matthew Feinberg – University of Toronto Persuading Political Opponents Matthew Feinberg is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Rotman. He earned his PhD in Social Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley. His research explores the underlying psychological processes that lead individuals to join together…
Victoria Pagan, University of Florida – Conspiracy Theories
Could modern conspiracy theories be traced back to ancient Rome? Victoria Pagan, professor of classics at University of Florida, delves into whether ancient examples can relate to present day theories. Professor of Classics at the University of Florida, Victoria Emma Pagán is a University of Florida Research Foundation Professor for 2014-2016 and a recipient of…
This Week On The Academic Minute (2016.10.17)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2016.10.17 Monday, October 17th Matthew Feinberg of the University of Toronto explores why its hard to persuade your political opponents to take your viewpoint. Tuesday, October 18th Scott Selisker of the University of Arizona discusses brainwashing in the past and present. Wednesday, October 19th Curtis Dozier of Vassar College details…
Yellowlees Douglas featured on The Best of Our Knowledge
As always, host Bob Barrett selects an Academic Minute to air during The Best of Our Knowledge. Each week this program examines some of the issues unique to college campuses, looks at the latest research, and invites commentary from experts and administrators from all levels of education. For this week‘s edition (#1360), Bob has selected…
Yellowlees Douglas, University of Florida – What You Read Influences How You Write
You write what you read. Yellowlees Douglas, associate professor at the center for management communication at the University of Florida, examines if reading more polished writing can make you a better writer. Dr. Yellowlees Douglas is an associate professor of management communication in the Hough Graduate School of Business at the University of Florida. In…
Sylvia Chan-Olmsted featured on The Best of Our Knowledge
As always, host Bob Barrett selects an Academic Minute to air during The Best of Our Knowledge. Each week this program examines some of the issues unique to college campuses, looks at the latest research, and invites commentary from experts and administrators from all levels of education. For this week‘s edition (#1344), Bob has selected…