Tag: technology
Chris Kanan, University of Rochester – Can we teach AI to learn like humans?
On University of Rochester Week: Human intelligence and artificial intelligence learn differently, but can that change? Chris Kanan, associate professor of computer science at the Hajim School of Engineering and Computer Science, looks at the possibilities. Christopher Kanan’s main research focus is deep learning, with an emphasis on lifelong (continual) machine learning, bias-robust artificial intelligence,…
Sumantra Sarkar, Binghamton University – Using AI to Enhance Flexibility and Efficiency of Customer Service Centers
Customer service centers can be hit or miss for consumers. Sumantra Sarkar, associate professor at the School of Management at Binghamton University, explores whether A.I. can help. Sumantra Sarkar is a behavioral information systems (IS) researcher who employs both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. He studies IS governance, healthcare IT, managerial decision making and security. Sarkar…
Abdullah Canbaz, University at Albany – A.I. Powered Emergency Response and Recovery
On University at Albany Week: Can artificial intelligence help us during a crisis? Abdullah Canbaz, assistant professor in the college of emergency preparedness, homeland security and cybersecurity, delves in to find out. Abdullah Canbaz is an assistant professor in the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity at the University at Albany. His research…
Sarah Domoff, University at Albany – Problematic Media Use and Children
On University at Albany Week: What happens when kids watch too much media at a young age? Sarah Domoff, assistant professor in the department of psychology in the College of Arts and Sciences, looks into this. Assistant Professor Sarah Domoff is a leading expert on problematic media use during childhood. Her research and clinical work…
Matt Knutson, University of North Dakota – Arcade Games and Accessible Sport
Accessible competitive gaming is a growing industry with a long history. Matt Knutson, assistant professor at the University of North Dakota, fires up the games to find out more. Matt Knutson (he/him) is an assistant professor at the University of North Dakota, where he directs the academic program in esports. His research focuses on the…
Helen Choi, University of Southern California – Because You Can, Should You?
Is artificial intelligence the right tool for those in higher education to be using? Helen Choi, senior lecturer in the engineering in society program at the University of Southern California, asks us to think about the question ethically. Helen Choi is a Senior Lecturer in the Engineering in Society Program at the University of Southern…
Gerald LeTendre, Penn State University – Will We See Robots in Our Child’s Classroom?
Is ChatGPT the professor of the future? Gerald LeTendre, Harry Lawrence Batshelet II Chair and professor of educational administration at Penn State University, examines the possibilities. Gerald LeTendre is the Harry Lawrence Batschelet II Chair of Educational Administration at The Pennsylvania State University. He was editor of The American Journal of Education, and served for…
Mahak Nagpal, University of St. Thomas – Technosolutionism
On University of St. Thomas Week: Not everything needs a technological solution. Mahak Nagpal, assistant professor of ethics & business law and the Opus College of Business, says sometimes a human solution should come first. Dr. Mahak Nagpal is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Ethics and Business Law at the University of St.…