Category: History
Sean Gerrity, Hostos Community College – Maroons
Not all enslaved people fled to the North. Sean Gerrity, assistant professor of English at Hostos Community College of the City University of New York, describes how some didn’t need to go far to find freedom. Sean Gerrity received his Ph.D. in English with a Certificate in American Studies from The City University of New…
David Jones, Amherst College – Vulcanism and Mass Extinctions
On Amherst College Week: Volcanic eruptions have shaped life’s history on Earth. David Jones, associate professor of geology, details how. I am a geologist with interests in surface Earth history. I use stratigraphy and geochemistry to address questions about the co-evolution of life and Earth’s surface environments in deep time. Most of the rocks I…
Susanna Ashton, Clemson University – Rediscovering an Enslaved Person’s Journey to Freedom through Research
The stories of the enslaved in the U.S. are still being told. Susanna Ashton, professor of English at Clemson University, explores the story of Samuel Williams. Susanna Ashton is a professor and chair of the English Department at Clemson University. A scholar of fugitive authorship and slavery studies, she is working on a biography of…
Kevin Bruyneel, Babson College – Settler Memory
What is settler memory? Kevin Bruyneel, professor of politics at Babson College, explores this question. Kevin Bruyneel is Professor of Politics at Babson College. He wrote The Third Space of Sovereignty: The Postcolonial Politics of U.S.-Indigenous Relations. He presently writes on the relationship between race, colonialism and collective memory. He is writing a book, entitled…
Edward Shannon, Ramapo College – Woody Guthrie, Charles Schulz and a Comic Book
What do comic books, Woody Guthrie and Charles Schulz have to do with each other? Edward Shannon, professor of literature at the Ramapo College of New Jersey, describes an interesting time in comic book history and how all these pieces fit together. Edward Shannon is a Professor of Literature at Ramapo College of NJ, where…
Keely Heuer, SUNY New Paltz – Magna Graecia
What a society made can tell us a lot about them. Keely Heuer, assistant professor of art history at SUNY New Paltz, explores the ceramics of ancient Greeks. Keely Heuer is an Assistant Professor of Art History, specializing in the visual culture of ancient Greece and Rome. Her research concentrates primarily on the iconography of…
Bill Schindler, Washington College – Reinventing Food Systems by Incorporating our Dietary Past
On Washington College Week: Did we eat healthier millions of years ago? Bill Schindler, associate professor of anthropology at Washington College, discusses why today’s dietary culture is out of whack with our body’s needs. Dr. Bill Schindler is the director of the Eastern Shore Food Lab and an Associate Professor of Anthropology and Archaeology at…
David Gowler, Emory University – The Continuing Relevance of Howard Thurman
Who was Howard Thurman? David Gowler, professor and chair of religion at Oxford College of Emory University, discusses Thurman’s influence beyond being an influence to Martin Luther King Jr. David B. Gowler is The Dr. Lovick Pierce and Bishop George F. Pierce Chair of Religion at Oxford College of Emory University; senior faculty fellow at…
Dorian Borbonus, University of Dayton – Digging for History in Rome
How do we uncover unheard voices from the past in a thriving modern city? Dorian Borbonus, associate professor of history at the University of Dayton, looks into the long past of Rome to find out. Dorian Borbonus is an associate professor of history at the University of Dayton. He teaches courses in ancient Greek and…
Ellen Stockstill, Penn State Harrisburg – Black Panther and African History
Marvel’s “Black Panther” has been a worldwide sensation. Ellen Stockstill, Assistant Professor of English at Penn State Harrisburg, discusses the film in context with African history. Ellen Stockstill is Assistant Professor of English at Penn State Harrisburg where she teaches courses on British literature, critical theory, and composition in the School of Humanities. Her scholarship…