This Week on The Academic Minute (2018.12.24)

Roanoke College Week on The Academic Minute 2018.12.24

Monday, December 24th

Pradeep Atrey of the University at Albany discusses how to battle fake news stories on social media.

Tuesday, December 25th

Jacqueline Bruscella of SUNY Oneonta delves into whether to say Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 26th

For the President’s Choice Award, Dr. Lynn Pasquerella of AAC&U chose Sean Gerrity of Hostos Community College’s segment, which explored how not all formerly enslaved people fled to the North.

Thursday, December 27th

For the CEO’s Choice Award, WAMC’s Alan Chartock choose Sheila Molony of Quinnipiac University’s segment, which determines how to improve the lives of those with dementia.

Friday, December 28th

For the Most Popular Segment Award, Robert Linhardt of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute explores a new way to treat Lyme disease.
