The Academic Minute for 2023.11.06-2023.11.10

The Academic Minute from 11.06 – 11.10

Paula Marantz Cohen Drexel University
Defining Good Conversation
Paula Marantz Cohen is Dean of the Pennoni Honors College and Distinguished Professor of English at Drexel University. She is the author six novels and six non-fiction books, including, most recently, Talking Cure: An Essay on the Civilizing Power of Conversation.  She is host of the TV interview show, The Civil Discourse, broadcast on many PBS stations and available on Youtube.

David Shorter – University of California Los Angeles
Contact with ETs Might Not Go Well, Based on our History
Dr. David Shorter is a tenured professor at UCLA, where he has taught “Aliens, Psychics, and Ghosts” for over a decade. He has been researching how science helps and doesn’t help us understand the paranormal. He is also the Director of the Archive of Healing, having been raised by a curandera, and learning with healers in Indigenous communities as well as in Japan. Most recently, Dr. Shorter has been named the Editor in Chief for the American Indian Culture and Research Journal, a leading scholarly journal in the field of Indigenous Studies. He has published scholarly essays in anthropology, Indigenous Studies, and the history of the sciences. He has produced films, created digital content, curated art exhibits, and written articles for popular media outlets.

Tony Wolf – Penn State University
How Hot is too Hot For the Human Body?
Dr. Tony Wolf is an environmental physiologist. His research is focused on understanding the impact of the environment on human health.

Jung-Ah Lee – University of California Irvine
Caring for the Caregivers
Dr. Jung-Ah Lee is a nurse scientist and faculty at the Sue and Bill Gross School of Nursing at the University of California, Irvine. Lee focuses on gerontology with research on translational approach to improve care delivery and quality of life for patients and caregivers through a culturally sensitive approach. Through her research, she has designed dementia care education for older adults and families in partnership with local community organizations (e.g., Alzheimer’s serving organizations, Caregiver Resource Centers, Korean Community Services, Vietnamese Community Services, Federally Qualified Health Centers, etc). As an educator, she has taught geriatric nursing, leadership and management, and research methodologies to UCI undergraduate and graduate nursing students. Dr. Lee was the school’s inaugural Equity Advisor and founding chair of the Excellence in Diversity committee to enhance diversity, inclusion, and equity in the Sue and Bill Gross School of Nursing at UC Irvine. Her journey to improve health equity is on-going.

Matthew Pittman – University of Tennessee
Twitter, Rebranding and Brand Equity
Matthew Pittman is an Assistant Professor in the Tombras School of Advertising and Public Relations at The University of Tennessee Knoxville. His research interests revolve around sustainability, social media, and brand strategy. He uses mostly social scientific methods like surveys and experiments to understand how people can be encouraged to make good decisions in emerging media environments.

His work has been published in Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Interactive Advertising, Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Computers in Human Behavior, and others. It is available on Google Scholar.
