Academic Minute from 12.5 – 12.9
Monday, December 5th
Craig Thorley – University of Liverpool
Group Work Can Harm Memory Recall
Dr. Craig Thorley, PhD, is a Tenure-Track Lecturer in Psychology at University of Liverpool, England. As of January 2017 he will be a Lecturer in Psychology at James Cook University, Australia. He conducts laboratory based experiments examining theoretical and applied issues relating to the completeness and accuracy of human memory. His theoretical research focusses on issues such as how false memories develop whereas his applied research has focusses on issues such as how well jurors remember trial evidence. The research he discusses in this talk examines the costs and benefits of working in a group to recall information. It was carried out with Dr Stéphanie Marion from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
Tuesday, December 6th
William Chopik – Michigan State University
Happy Spouses
I am a social-personality psychologist interested in how relationships—and the people in them—change over time and across situations. My research focuses on how factors both inside (biological, hormonal) and outside (social roles, geography) of people influence their approach to social relationships. My work examines phenomena as broad as how relationships and social institutions shape development and as focused as the hormonal mechanisms that underlie love and intimacy.
Wednesday, December 7th
Joshua Reiss – Queen Mary University of London
Origins of Auto-Tune
Dr. Joshua D. Reiss (member IEEE, AES) was born in 1971, and is a Senior Lecturer with the Centre for Digital Music in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London . He has bachelor’s degrees in both Physics and Mathematics, and received his PhD in physics from the Georgia Institute of Technology, specializing in the analysis of chaotic time series. In June of 2000, he accepted a research position in the Audio Signal Processing research lab at King’s College, London, and moved to Queen Mary in 2001. He made the transition from chaos theory to audio and musical signal processing through his work on sigma delta modulators, which has lead to a nomination for a best paper award from the IEEE, as well as a UK patent. He has investigated music retrieval systems, time scaling and pitch shifting techniques, polyphonic music transcription, loudspeaker design, automatic mixing for live sound and digital audio effects. His primary focus of research, which ties together many of the above topics, is on the use of state-of-the-art signal processing techniques for professional sound engineering.
Thursday, December 8th
Mazhar Arikan – University of Kansas
Baggage Fees
Research Interests
Supply chain management
Stochastic Modeling of Service Systems
Empirical Research in Operations Management
Applied Econometrics
Airline Operations/Scheduling/Economics
Analytical and Empirical Study of Delivery of Healthcare Services.
Friday, December 9th
Andrew Oswald – University of Warwick
Fruits, Vegetables and Happiness
Andrew Oswald is a Professor of Economics and Behavioural Science at the University of Warwick. His research is principally in applied economics and quantitative social science. It currently includes the empirical study of human happiness, job satisfaction, unemployment, productivity, and the influence of diet on psychological health.. He serves on the board of editors of Science. Previously at Oxford and the London School of Economics, with spells as Lecturer, Princeton University (1983-4); De Walt Ankeny Professor of Economics, Dartmouth College (1989-91); Jacob Wertheim Fellow, Harvard University (2005); Visiting Fellow, Cornell University (2008); Research Director, IZA Bonn (2011-12). He is an ISI Highly-Cited Researcher.