Tag: UC Riverside

  • Sophie Zaaijer, University of California, Riverside – How Your Skin Tone Could Affect Your Meds

    Sophie Zaaijer, University of California, Riverside – How Your Skin Tone Could Affect Your Meds

    Your skin tone could affect the medications you take. Sophie Zaaijer, scientific consultant and researcher at the University of California, Riverside, explores why. Dr. Sophie Zaaijer is a multifaceted innovator at the intersection of science, entrepreneurship, and the arts. She is a consultant and researcher affiliated with the University of California, Riverside. Dr. Zaaijer’s current focus…

  • This Week on The Academic Minute (2024.12.02)

    This Week on The Academic Minute (2024.12.02)

    This Week on The Academic Minute 2024.12.02   Monday David S. Oderberg, professor of philosophy at the University of Reading, says making a mistake is not just a part of being human.   Tuesday Sophie Zaaijer, scientific consultant and researcher at the University of California, Riverside, explores why your skin tone could affect how your…

  • Kate Sweeny featured on The Best of Our Knowledge

    Kate Sweeny featured on The Best of Our Knowledge

    As always, host Bob Barrett selects an Academic Minute to air during The Best of Our Knowledge. Each week this program examines some of the issues unique to college campuses, looks at the latest research, and invites commentary from experts and administrators from all levels of education. For this week‘s edition (#1403), Bob has selected…

  • The Academic Minute for 2017.7.24-7.28

    The Academic Minute for 2017.7.24-7.28

    Academic Minute from 7.24 – 7.28 Monday, July 24th Charles P. Hoy-Ellis – University of Utah Transgender Older Adults and the Military Charles P. Hoy-Ellis earned his PhD in Social Welfare at the University of Washington, Seattle. He is interested in health and mental health disparities and the social determinants of these disparities among lesbian,…

  • This Week on The Academic Minute (2017.7.24)

    This Week on The Academic Minute (2017.7.24)

    This Week on The Academic Minute 2017.7.24 Monday, July 24th Charles P. Hoy-Ellis of the University of Utah discusses the military service of transgender adults. Tuesday, July 25th Virginia Ramseyer Winter of the University of Missouri explores body image among teens. Wednesday, July 26th Kate Sweeny of the University of California Riverside discusses mindfulness as a tool…

  • The Academic Minute for 2017.2.20-2.24

    The Academic Minute for 2017.2.20-2.24

    Academic Minute from 2.20 – 2.24 Monday, February 20th Christopher Salas-Wright – University of Texas at Austin/Boston University Immigrant Mischaracterization 2016-present Assistant Professor School of Social Work, Boston University 2013-2016 Assistant Professor School of Social Work, The University of Texas at Austin 2015-2016 Faculty Research Associate Population Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin…

  • Ameae Walker, University of California Riverside – Vaccinating Babies Against Tuberculosis

    Ameae Walker, University of California Riverside – Vaccinating Babies Against Tuberculosis

    How do you better vaccinate a newborn against tuberculosis? Ameae Walker, professor of biomedical sciences at the University of California Riverside, describes a new treatment option. Research in my laboratory is concerned with the growth factor activities of the hormone prolactin. These growth factor activities occur in many tissues including the pituitary, breast, endocrine pancreas,…

  • This Week On The Academic Minute (2017.2.20)

    This Week On The Academic Minute (2017.2.20)

    This Week on The Academic Minute 2017.2.20 Monday, February 20th Christopher Salas-Wright of the University of Texas at Austin discusses immigrant mischaracterization. Tuesday, February 21st Peggy Albers of Georgia State University examines children and stories. Wednesday, February 22nd Matthew DeLisi of Iowa State University talks homicidal ideation. Thursday, February 23rd Ameae Walker of the University of…