Tag: Buffalo
Roanoke College Week on The Academic Minute (2018.12.17)
Roanoke College Week on The Academic Minute 2018.12.17 Monday, December 17th Chris Lassiter discusses how estrogen helps out organs get in the right place. Tuesday, December 18th Lindsey Osterman delves into the perceptions of certain actors after the #MeToo movement. Wednesday, December 19th Steven Hughes examines how to improve LED technology. Thursday, December 20th Brooks…
The Academic Minute for 2018.12.10-12.14
Academic Minute from 12.10 – 12.14 Monday, December 10th Mark West – University of North Carolina Charlotte The Humanities and STEM Disciplines as Overlapping Circles Mark I. West is a Professor of English and Chair of the Department of English at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where he has taught since 1984. …
This Week on The Academic Minute (2018.12.10)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2018.12.10 Monday, December 10th Mark West of the University of North Carolina Charlotte discusses whether the Humanities and STEM disciplines can work together as overlapping circles. Tuesday, December 11th Celene Reynolds of Yale University delves into Title IX. Wednesday, December 12th Emily Bernate of St. Edwards University examines politeness…
The Academic Minute for 2018.03.19-03.23
Academic Minute from 3.19 – 3.23 Monday, March 19th Jack Tseng – University at Buffalo Carnivore Skull Shape and Diet I am an integrative and evolutionary biologist, and my research focuses on the quantitative and functional anatomy and evolution of the mammalian craniodental system. One of the oldest endeavors in the study of gross…
This Week on The Academic Minute (2018.03.19)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2018.03.19 Monday, March 19th Jack Tseng of the University at Buffalo discusses the shape of your skull and what it has to do with your diet. Tuesday, March 20th Monica Lewin of New York University examines fetal alcohol syndrome and finding a new to block it in the brain.…
The Academic Minute for 2018.02.19-02.23
Academic Minute from 2.19 – 2.23 Monday, February 19th Paolo Forni – University at Albany From the Nose to the Brain 2008 Ph.D. Biochemistry/Cellular Biotechnology, University of Turin, Italy. 2006-2011 Visiting Fellow, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA. 2011-2013 Research Fellow, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA. 2014-Present Assistant Professor, University at…