Ron Mallett, UCONN – Theories of Time Travel


Ron Mallett, professor of physicsAre we getting closer to achieving time travel? According to Ron Mallett, the answer is theoretically yes.

As we near the 100th anniversary of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, Dr. Mallet, a research professor of physics at UCONN, offers this inspiring account of studying time travel.

Professor Ronald L. Mallett received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in physics from the Pennsylvania State University. He worked for United Technologies from 1973-5, and in 1975 joined the physics faculty at the University of Connecticut in Storrs where he is currently Research Professor and Physics Professor Emeritus. Professor. Mallett has published numerous papers on black holes and cosmology in professional journals. His breakthrough research on time travel has been featured extensively in the media around the world, including print media such as New Scientist, the Village Voice, the Boston Globe, Rolling Stone magazine and The Wall Street Journal, and broadcast media such as NPR’s This American Life, the History Channel, the National Geographic Channel, the Science Channel, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today Show.

Professor Mallett’s recently published memoir “Time Traveler: A Scientist’s Personal Mission to Make Time Travel a Reality” has been translated into Korean, Chinese, and Japanese. Award-winning filmmaker Spike Lee has written a script for a feature film of the memoir.

Theories of Time Travel


When I first got inspired to study time travel, I had to be very secretive. As a young physicist, you don’t broadcast widely that your research is fueled by your passion to go back in time to see your father, who in my case died of a heart attack when I was only 10 years old.

Instead, I cloaked my urge to understand time travel by studying black holes. But in fact, black holes and time travel are related.  

I knew from my studies of Einstein’s theories that the strong gravity of rotating black holes could affect time. And I wondered if the gravity of circulating light, such as that created by very strong lasers, could mimic the conditions in a rotating black hole and send information into the past and future.

A Brief History of Time Travel Trailer from A Brief History of Time Travel on Vimeo.

It took me many years, but I finally proved through some complex mathematics that yes, circulating light could, in theory, create a space-time loop. I showed that a string of subatomic particles, or neutrons, could be arranged so that some point “up” while others point “down”, representing zeroes and ones. These zeroes and ones could then encode a binary message which could be sent into the past or the future.

Now, this doesn’t mean that a time machine will be realized soon. I’m the theoretical guy. The experimental physicists will have to take on the daunting – and very expensive – role of testing my theory.  This year we celebrate the 100th anniversary of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. So although I don’t expect time travel to be a reality in my lifetime, I do consider my part in this process a fitting tribute to Einstein and a loving tribute to my father. 

Read More: Epoch Times: Time Travel Is Possible: How to Send a Message to the Past



34 responses to “Ron Mallett, UCONN – Theories of Time Travel”

  1. MITCHELL, DANIEL J. B. Avatar

    Prof. Mallett can cheer up. With time travel, it could already have happened during his lifetime, if it were ever done in the future and sent back to now. Just look for the message. No?

    1. Walker McCright Avatar
      Walker McCright

      Not with alternate universes

    2. Steve Avatar

      dr. Mallet does not believe that one can go back in time, only forward.

      1. Alexis R. Morrow Avatar
        Alexis R. Morrow

        He does believe one can go back in time. That’s the whole point of his research. He has been searching for a way to go back in time since he saw H.G. Wells A time Machine. He said his father was a great and loving man who died of a heart attack when he was in his thirties. From the death of this Father on ward Dr. Mallett wondered if he could go back in time and possibly save his father from dying of a heart attack.

      2. Arki Thornton Avatar
        Arki Thornton

        So much our children are being cheated in this lie of free dom schools teach our children to be inferior to white supremacist by not teaching us about us but yet tricks us to blindness. See 14th. Amendment, no resources means crime, crime mean Re enslavement. Who control shools and jobs the masters who loved slavery the masters.

        1. Andrew Avatar

          I would like to help this theory of time travel. Gravity has much to do with this.

  2. J Van Schaack Avatar
    J Van Schaack

    Thanks Ron for all your knowledge in Time Travel. You are a blessing to our young minds. Keep up your terrific work.

  3. Peter Short Avatar
    Peter Short

    Well by the Looks the internet is not going to be Free for much Longer ethically time travel must stay completely Free,id like that Freedom.Its an ethical wish.

    1. No Steve. The whole point of his work is time travel to the past. The problem is that he believes that you’d have to turn his machine on and then wait for how ever long you want to go back for, and then use the machine. However he has yet to explain the mechanics of how that would happen. The design has other issues, which you can read about here –

    2. Unfortunately, Peter, Dr. Mallett doesn’t agree with you. He believes that the government should heavily regulate time travel. Fortunately, the reasons he gives for this I have been able to disprove and in fact wrote the first ever report to Congress on time travel physics so they could understand it. By realizing that time travel paradoxes are scientifically impossible and that all changes to the past happen in parallel universes, it is my hope that time travel research will remain free and unregulated as it is now. You can get my report in book form –

  4. deepak Avatar

    if we move with respect to light then our time will past slowly and because of it we can move in future but with the same principle how can we move in past
    please reply its an request

    1. Walker McCright Avatar
      Walker McCright

      It seems to me, personally, that the only way one could imagine time travel to the past is to think of the rest of the universe as being reversed and the “traveler” doing nothing. It is with this thinking that any “time traveler” would have a reverse of cause and effect, the exploration creating itself being the only logical answer.

    2. Let time machine T and outer space S, if any object enter in that machine and if machine is working in such a way that it bends space-time and thus speedup time inside that machine
      this means the object inside that machine experiences lesser time than outer Space object ,
      ie say in T -> 100 years(fast) and in outer space just 1 hrs(slow time) and now when this object is taken out from T then it travels from 100 yrs back to past of it…,ie 1 hrs later of the original world..
      This might be the thinking of Ron mallete…as he said “we can only travel to past to point when machine starts…”
      The whole concept is i think just relativity without breaking the law of physics

      1. this means the object inside that machine experiences more time(say 100 yrs) than outer Space object (say 1 hr)

  5. Joseph Rangel Avatar
    Joseph Rangel

    I have another way to travel in time.. Just like Einstein worked with the US goberment you can connect a radio device into a boats motor this will automatically turn the boat invisible and once you jump of the boat you will fall in the black hole and travel through time. Just like the secret story of the U.S soldiers who worked for the united states government and Einstein.

  6. Jason Bailey Avatar
    Jason Bailey

    The time travel theory i have is time travel is possible through sound aka vibration it goes slow when its tuned down but has alot faster and stronger effect when turned up if you have ?’s Or think you disprove it send me a message but remember vibration is how you see feel tast touch smell hear and love if you can tune into frequency of that day in the place you wanted to be in It is totaly possible to travel to that time but it would be an alternate universe because you would change the pattern unless you could supress all vibrations coming from you yourself and effect could pass through you without any interference thus giving you a viewing seat to travel into the past or future if you wanted to change things all you have to do is interfere

    This is my theory at least the tip of the iceberg just think about it it makes too much sense how sound aka vibration is now then and everything including the energy going through your mind thinking and reading this
    IT IS VIBRATIONS never ending vibration if they stoped so do we

    1. By saying time travel is possible through sound you’ve shown that you have no cogent understanding of sound beyond the most shallow and pedestrian level. Vibration of any kind has not one whit to do with time travel and in fact the whole notion of vibration and frequency is used by New Agers to explain phenomena that is above their level.

      My advice – learn something about physics, i.e. gravity, emf theory, relativity, quantum mechanics, and to understand time travel physics, get which was written for members of Congress to prepare them for the coming reality of time travel – it has all the answers to questions that no one solves.

      Good luck.

    1. Maybe include a solution with your criticism 😉 and exorcise your higher mind for a change and leave that angry lil monkey brain out of the equation, it just makes you look like a Troll.. Btw ..Trolls live under bridges.. FYI …Every knot can be untangled with the right approach 😉 if you be positive you might find happiness rather than trying to corrupt everyone elses.. 🙂 and provide a useful suggestion.. it is said that those who have a problem, also know of a solution.. So I ask you- What do you suggest?

    2. Diego De la Parra Avatar
      Diego De la Parra

      Marshall, when is your warp drive film gonna be released? July 2-3 or 16? Because in your site for the film: STDTS™: The World’s First Warp Drive it says July 2 and 3, but it also says July 16. Also, can you buy the film after its released? Because if it’s released on July 16, I won’t be able to watch it live because I will be absent that day on a trip. Also, has your other film “Dawning of the Age of Time Machines” been released? And how do I buy it? I am doing this to support your time travel research. Please answer this comment.

      1. Marshall Barnes Avatar
        Marshall Barnes

        You can see the documentary online now at that site. It was released online for pay-per-view in 2016, I think July 16. I just happen to see your message here as I was getting a quote from Ronald Mallett and saw your post. You should follow my work at and my two blogs there. Also, you might enjoy these articles –,, and

  7. p.l.harrison Avatar

    Regarding ‘technical paper’ link..I read it and found that there are quite a few spelling mistakes in the document; as well as some misconceptions about Dr. Mallets theory..
    Most importantly regarding “time travel to the past” as being actually just side steppings into “alternate universes”, one has to wonder weather the author of this paper is misunderstanding the difference between linear time and membrane theoretical penetration of multiverses..which if the nature of theoretical time travel were possible..nature would not choose to take the higher energy requirement to both form and maintain an entry or exit through multiple membranes between multiverses. Seems rediculous to assume outright that any theorist would be talking about any other possibility than ‘spatial-gravity distortions and manipulations” within our present universe. Past, present and future descriptives are not in or of themselves variables that describe “side-stepping” into one or more multiverses…for that we would have to include another ‘variable’ in all of our equations such as P1,P2,..etc. (Potential Universe #)..It is much easier to build a time machine that doesn’t have to factor in such energy consuming unneccessary variables.
    Also,while I am just a “lay Physicist, Theorist”..I read your paper with a critical eye towards human nature as well as possible insights to time theories that I have not considered,..and came to the conclusion that your “paper”,was little more than a lengthy burst of sour grapes. While I don’t agree with all of Dr. Mallet’s work,..I agree with your disection of his work even less…but thanks for giving me something to read over coffee.

    P.Harrison (theoretical writer)

    1. P. Harrison:

      I can tell, from your description of various time travel concepts, dealing with parallel universes in particular, you’re not just a “theoretical” writer, but someone pretending to understand a subject that you clearly don’t. Whether you agree with my paper or not, the reasons you give are not only trivial but inaccurate. Furthermore, the positions that I stake out in the paper are not only solid, but resolve time travel issues by using the work of established scientists and theories, which I cite.

      With your statement, “nature would not choose to take the higher energy requirement to both form and maintain an entry or exit through multiple membranes between multiverses. Seems rediculous to assume outright that any theorist would be talking about any other possibility than ‘spatial-gravity distortions and manipulations” within our present universe.” proves my point. ‘Nature’ wouldn’t ‘ be choosing the entry or exit, that would be the result of whatever “spatial-gravity distortions and manipulations” made within in our universe that the time travel method caused which would by Nature connect to a new parallel universe as a result of the time travel manipulation. Without the parallel universe, you have no way of describing the time travel action without violating the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, which I described in my paper. Any argument for time travel that doesn’t deal with that , is flawed from the outset, which is why most talk of time travel is filled with nonsense like paradoxes.

      Also, I’m not “assuming” anything. I not only know Mallett’s work, I know him.

  8. p.l.harrison Avatar

    Whoops..spelled whether * wrong…lol

  9. Hi Fellow Time Enthusiasts, and Researchers

    Feel free to visit my websites Spacetime.University and Time.University .
    Or email me via [email protected] or [email protected].

    I am trying to put together info about time travel theories and related math.
    I started my interest in multi-time space-time around the age of nine or ten in the early 70’s.

    :o) Graham P

  10. Time travel to your own past has some problems but perhaps no more than Hawking radiation escaping a black hole.

  11. John Titor Avatar
    John Titor

    time travel messages are easy to send through light beam particles using the gravity of earth and the speed it spins – if the light beam particle is shot and bounced off mirrors clockwise to earths rotational speed then received by earths clockwise speed you will get the message from the past or vice versa upon direction the message you sent between the revolution. [nb 1] Earth’s orbital speed averages about 30 km/s (67,000 mph), which is fast enough to cover the planet’s diameter in seven minutes and the distance to the Moon in four hours. based upon my calculations you can send a message 7 minutes either from the past or from the future which could prevent many deaths & change the course of humanity forever. My name is John Titor. please respond to my alias email address i do not wish to be found.

  12. Hi Ron, my name is Brett and i think I may have a genuine answer for you and would ask if you might be interested in joining my project on some mutual agreement. i would prefer to not share details here for the Trolls to gnaw at and would politely ask if you would contact me at your nearest convenience.

    King regards,,


  13. I truly prize your function, Wonderful post. ccekaedagcegedad

  14. This way of thinking might help and may remove all the paradox,
    Let time machine T and outer space S, if any object enter in that machine T and if machine is working in such a way that it bends space-time and thus speedup time inside that machine somehow
    this means the object inside that machine experiences more time than outer Space object ,
    ie say in T -> 100 years(fast) and in outer space just 1 hrs(slow time) and now when this object is taken out from T then it travels from 100 yrs back to past of it…,ie 1 hrs later of the original world..
    This might be the thinking of Ron mallete…as he said “we can only travel to past to point when machine starts…”
    The whole concept is i think just relativity without breaking the law of physics

  15. Diego De la Parra Avatar
    Diego De la Parra

    Marshall, when is your warp drive film gonna be released? July 2-3 or 16? Because in your site for the film: STDTS™: The World’s First Warp Drive it says July 2 and 3, but it also says July 16. Also, can you buy the film after its released? Because if it’s released on July 16, I won’t be able to watch it live because I will be absent that day on a trip. Also, has your other film “Dawning of the Age of Time Machines” been released? And how do I buy it? I am doing this to support your time travel research. Please answer this comment.

  16. JAKOB Avatar


  17. I wish time travel happens when am alive, Want to see it, more like I want to go back in the past and fix all my mistakes which I think makes the whole thing quite illogical and makes life strange as time travel paradoxes make it impossible

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