Author: David Hopper

  • This Week on The Academic Minute (2022.06.06)

    This Week on The Academic Minute (2022.06.06)

    This Week on The Academic Minute 2022.06.06   Monday, June 6th Vaishali Raval, professor of psychology at Miami University, explores if white families are having conversations about race with their children.   Tuesday, June 7th Christopher Junium, associate professor of earth and environmental sciences at Syracuse University, explains why the asteroid that heralded the end…

  • Marshall Jones, Winthrop University – Why Teaching is Harder Than You Think

    Marshall Jones, Winthrop University – Why Teaching is Harder Than You Think

    The pandemic has made certain jobs even harder. Marshall Jones, professor and graduate program director in learning design and technology at Winthrop University, explores one occupation that was already difficult. Dr. Marshall G. Jones is a scholar and teacher with nearly 30 years of experience in preparing teachers in K-12 schools, higher education, and other…

  • This Week on The Academic Minute (2022.03.28)

    Portland State University Week on The Academic Minute 2022.03.28   Monday, March 28th Todd Ferry, senior research associate, explains why small steps can have huge impacts in addressing homelessness.   Tuesday, March 29th Kacy McKinney, instructor of urban studies and planning, explores how to change the narrative around student homelessness through comic books.   Wednesday,…

  • Best Heath Segment – Riana Anderson, University of Michigan – Stressors and the Black Community

    Best Heath Segment – Riana Anderson, University of Michigan – Stressors and the Black Community

    This is Best of Week on The Academic Minute: For the Best Health Segment Choice Award: Riana Anderson, assistant professor in the school of public health at the University of Michigan, explores the stressors faced by black communities during the pandemic. Riana Elyse Anderson is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Behavior and…

  • The Academic Minute for 2021.09.27-2021.10.01

    The Academic Minute for 2021.09.27-2021.10.01

      The Academic Minute from 09.27 – 10.01 Monday, September 27th Amy Lueck – Santa Clara University English Professors Study More Than Books Amy J. Lueck is Associate Professor of English at Santa Clara University, where her research and teaching focus on histories of rhetorical instruction and practice, women’s rhetorics, feminist historiography, and digital public…

  • The Academic Minute for 2021.06.28-2021.07.02

    The Academic Minute for 2021.06.28-2021.07.02

      The Academic Minute from 06.28 – 07.02 Monday, June 28th Linda Dynan – Northern Kentucky University Hospital Safety and Quality Dr. Linda Dynan is a Professor of Economics at Northern Kentucky University. She earned her B.A. in economics from the University of Pennsylvania, and her MA, MPhil and doctorate in economics from Columbia University in…

  • The Academic Minute for 2021.06.07-2021.06.11

    The Academic Minute for 2021.06.07-2021.06.11

      The Academic Minute from 06.07 – 06.11 Monday, June 7th Yoah Sui – University of Victoria More Sitting is Bad, But Not All Sitting is the Same Dr. Wuyou (Yoah) Sui received his PhD in Kinesiology at Western University in 2020. Dr. Sui’s expertise is in the broad areas of health behaviour change, digital health,…

  • This Week on The Academic Minute (2021.06.07)

    This Week on The Academic Minute (2021.06.07)

    This Week on The Academic Minute 2021.06.07   Monday, June 7th Yoah Sui, postdoctoral fellow at the University of Victoria, explains why if you’re sitting, you might want to stand up. Tuesday, June 8th Jennifer Wollock, professor of English at Texas A&M University, discusses the wars of chivalry. Wednesday, June 9th Dimitra Atri, research scientist…

  • This Week on The Academic Minute (2021.05.24)

    This Week on The Academic Minute (2021.05.24)

    SUNY Oswego Week on The Academic Minute 2021.05.24   Monday, May 24th Amy Bidwell, associate professor of in the department of health promotion and wellness, details what else besides knowledge is needed to keep off extra weight. Tuesday, May 25th Michele Thornton, assistant professor in health services administration, examines the correlation between your employment and…

  • The Academic Minute for 2021.05.17-2021.05.21

    The Academic Minute for 2021.05.17-2021.05.21

      The Academic Minute from 05.17 – 05.21 Monday, May 17th Barbara Rumain – Touro College Teenagers are More Susceptible to Getting COVID-19 than Older Adults Dr. Barbara Rumain received a B.A. in mathematics from Columbia University and then a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from New York University.   Her areas of interest include:  how people learn…