David Pincus, Chapman University – Fractal Psychological Processes

David Pincus
David Pincus

Fractals are naturally occurring patterns that replicate in a self-similar manner.

But, as Chapman University psychologist David Pincus explains, understanding fractal patterns can tell us about our psychology.

Dr. David Pincus obtained his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Marquette University in Milwaukee Wisconsin. His internship and post-doctoral clinical training was completed in community mental health settings, including a post-doctoral fellowship through The University of California Davis Department of Psychiatry in Child Psychology. Dr. Pincus spent a number of years prior to his graduate training (more than 13,000 supervised clinical hours in total pre and post-doctoral experience) working with adults, children and families in various community based agencies. Currently, he is an associate professor at the Schmid College of Science and Technology at Chapman University.

David Pincus – Fractal Psychological Processes

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It’s easy to tell what is human versus nature made. Just look out the window.

Humans build in straight lines. Mother Nature works in fractals. Fractals are complex self-similar structures. Branching fractal structures include trees, neurons, galaxies and even the internet. Fractal timing patterns include heart beats, earthquake sizes, and stop times in traffic jams.

Indeed, it seems we are fractal too. Starting with family and group dynamics, we’ve found repeated cycles of verbal turn-taking that are shaped like a fractal – with exponentially more small recurrence events compared to large ones, just like the small and large branches on a tree. We’ve found that the size of these fractal branches reveal the power, closeness, and conflict among group members.

Flexibility in these fractal structures seems to be a sign of relational health, and the ability to shift from rigidity back to flexibility is a sign of social resilience – like a tree that can shrinks in winter and grows in spring. We’ve also found evidence that people naturally exchange fractal complexity in physiological arousal with one another, especially through empathy – “vibes” perhaps?

Fractals appear to underlie our habits, and also the structure of our egos.

The theoretical picture that is starting to emerge is that biopsychosocial systems are distributed complex networks, capable of shifting toward rigidity in response to stress, and “bouncing back” toward growth depending on our resilience – just like a good hammock or a net that carries our weight – ideally without getting stuck, warped, or torn apart. On the grandest scale – these fractal psychological processes show us that we are at home among the rivers, and rocks, the trees, clouds and the galaxies.

We are a part of nature’s world; she connects us; each of us is unique, and each carries her print.



3 responses to “David Pincus, Chapman University – Fractal Psychological Processes”

  1. For more information about fractals and fractal trigeometry see: http://www.fractal.org

    A Fractal Gallery can be found on: http://gallery.fractal.org

  2. John Stow Avatar
    John Stow

    I am a lay person. I was Computer tech and home hobby programmer. 60 yrs old. I find this label Very Good for what I see in lifer and the brains evolution (I know the problem with this word and religious in this area and structures that keep it suppressed in our society cetera.).
    I discovered it by watch a new report about a man with a brain injury and after seeing fractal patterns his vision around objects. and fractal thinking lead him to higher math he didn’t know he had the ability of doing at a older age. And my fractal thinking lead me to inquiring Google to check for fractal psychology. And here I am. Thank you so much for the labels.

  3.  Avatar

    This article does a perfect job of laying out what I’ve been observing on my esoteric journey over the past 6 months. I’ve also discover that every fractal has its own unique energy creating a balanced multi-dimensional energy “wave”. The fractal is just the medium or balance of the energy.

    What looking forward next is how to teach myself to “integrate” up to the next level or new fractal but in esoteric or mental/mindful/awareness/intellectual terms? if you 1- consciously stumbled upon article and made sense if my comment. Please reach out backroad.moto.venturer at gmail.com