The Academic Minute from 9.23 – 9.27
Matt Knutson – University of North Dakota
Arcade Games and Accessible Sport
Matt Knutson (he/him) is an assistant professor at the University of North Dakota, where he directs the academic program in esports. His research focuses on the temporality of competitive gaming and the pre-history of esports.
Anthony James – Miami University
Chronic Absenteeism
Dr. Anthony G. James Jr. is a professor in the Department of Family Science and Social Work at Miami University. He earned a bachelor of science degree in sociology with a minor in military science from Lincoln University (Missouri). He also holds a master of science degree and a doctorate of philosophy in human development and family studies from the University of Missouri.
His areas of research include positive youth development, religion and spirituality, diverse family systems, family processes, and program evaluation. His research and thought leadership has appeared in publications such as Diverse Issue in Higher Education and TIME and numerous peer reviewed journals. He is also the editor of Black Families: A Systems Approach, co-editor of Essays of Advice, and the author of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: A Practical Guide.”
Charles Silver – University of Texas at Austin
Put Consumers in Charge of Health Care
Charles Silver teaches courses on civil procedure, health law, and professional responsibility. His current research focuses on aggregate lawsuits, attorneys’ fees, professional responsibility, and health care law and policy. He previously worked with a group of empirical researchers on studies of medical malpractice litigation in Texas for over a decade. Professor Silver has authored several publications, including his most recent books “Medical Malpractice Litigation: How It Works, What It Does, And Why Tort Reform Hasn’t Helped” and “Overcharged: Why Americans Pay Too Much for Health Care.”
C. Michael White – University of Connecticut
Ketamine and Electroconvulsive Therapy
Michael White, Pharm.D., FCP, FCCP, FASHP has ~500 publications resulting in 18288 citations with an H-index of 70; placing him within an elite group of researchers. Dr. White’s research interests are in the areas of comparative effectiveness and preventing adverse events from drugs, devices, dietary supplements, and illicit substances. His work has been published in JAMA, Lancet, Annals of Internal Medicine and Circulation (among others) with research coverage by NBC News, Good Morning America, BBC, CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Boston Globe, PBSNewsHour, WNPR Morning Edition, Prevention Magazine, and hundreds of other (inter)national media outlets. He has received the American College of Clinical Pharmacist Young Investigator Award, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Award for Sustained Contributions to the Literature and the Drug Therapy Research Award, and the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Lyman Award and the Weaver Award.
Timothy Keiningham – St. John’s University
Social Profit Orientation
Timothy Keiningham, Ph.D., is the J. Donald Kennedy Endowed Chair in E-Commerce at St. John’s University’s Tobin College of Business. He is a recipient of the American Marketing Association’s Christopher Lovelock Career Contributions Award, the highest honor in service marketing. A prolific author, Dr. Keiningham has written or edited nine books, including the New York Times bestseller The Wallet Allocation Rule. His research, published in top-tier journals across marketing, strategy, and service management, has earned multiple accolades, including awards from the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Service Research, and Journal of Service Management. Dr. Keiningham’s work bridges the gap between leading scientific research and management best practices, making significant contributions to both academia and industry.