Tag: tri than
The Academic Minute for 2024.04.08-2024.04.12
The Academic Minute from 4.08 – 4.12 Monday Moira Marsh – Indiana University Bloomington Celestial Creatures and the Mythology Behind the Solar Eclipse Moira Marsh is a folklorist and librarian at Indiana University Bloomington. She earned both her Ph.D. in folklore and M.L.S. from Indiana University and has published research on folklore and humor theory.…
Thi Tran, Binghamton University – Creating Tools to Better Track Online Misinformation
Which misinformation will cause the most harm is important to figure out. But how? Thi Tran, assistant professor of management information systems at Binghamton University, looks for a little help. Thi Tran is currently an assistant professor of management information systems at the Binghamton University School of Management. He holds a PhD in Information Technology,…