Category: Academic Minute
This Week on The Academic Minute (2024.11.04)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2024.11.04 Monday Simon Blanchard, provost’s distinguished associate professor and dean’s professor at the McDonagh School of Business at Georgetown University, determines one area where mindfulness can particularly useful Tuesday Irina Troconis, assistant professor of Latin American Studies at Cornell University, explores how Venezuelans are living with the…
The Academic Minute for 2024.10.28-2024.11.01
The Academic Minute from 10.28 – 11.01 Monday Klint Kanopka – New York University Social-Emotional Skills in Education Klint Kanopka is an applied statistician who uses computational models to solve problems in educational and psychological measurement. His recent work includes the development of a mixture item response model that accounts for effects caused by variation…
This Week on The Academic Minute (2024.10.28)
New York University Week on The Academic Minute 2024.10.28 Monday Klint Kanopka, assistant professor of applied statistics, delves into social emotion learning in schools. Tuesday Daphna Harel, associate professor of applied statistics, explores whether receiving a diagnosis can be done from behind a computer screen can be as reliable as an in-person visit.…
The Academic Minute for 2024.10.21-2024.10.25
The Academic Minute from 10.21 – 10.25 Monday Ian Afflerbach – University of North Georgia The “Scab” as a Metaphor in American Labor Politics Ian Afflerbach is an Associate Professor at the University of North Georgia. He teaches courses on Modern American Fiction, African American Literature, and Popular Genres like Science Fiction. He’s currently working…
This Week on The Academic Minute (2024.10.21)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2024.10.21 Monday Ian Afflerbach, associate professor of American literature at the University of North Georgia, looks into the word “scab” as it applies to American labor politics. Tuesday Amie Rapaport, research scientist at the Center for Social and Economic Research at the University of Southern California, says…
The Academic Minute for 2024.10.14-2024.10.18
The Academic Minute from 10.14 – 10.18 Monday Matthew Szydagis – University at Albany Lithium and Clean Energy University at Albany Associate Professor of Physics Matthew Szydagis received his B.A., M.S., and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 2005, 2006, and 2011, respectively, then continued his work in physics as a postdoctoral scholar at the University…
This Week on The Academic Minute (2024.10.14)
University at Albany Week on The Academic Minute 2024.10.14 Monday Matthews Syzdagis, associate professor in the department of physics, determines how generating safe and clean electricity can lead to a brighter future. Tuesday Zoe Fowler, PhD candidate in the Gaesser Lab, explains why imagining a future together can have big benefits for a…
The Academic Minute for 2024.10.07-2024.10.11
The Academic Minute from 10.07 – 10.11 Monday Julie Cederbaum – University of Southern California Supportive Adults Make the Difference in the Lives of Foster Youth Julie Cederbaum is an associate professor in the Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work. Her work focuses on the impact of childhood adversity and family processes on the well-being of youth.…
This Week on The Academic Minute (2024.10.07)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2024.10.07 Monday Julie Cederbaum, associate professor in the Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work at the University of Southern California, explores how to make a difference in the lives of foster youth. Tuesday Charlotte Blease, associate professor at Uppsala University, tells us what patients can bring to…