This Week On The Academic Minute (2016.06.13)

This Week on The Academic Minute 2016.6.13

Monday, June 13
Don MacKenzie of the University of Washington discussesĀ the pros and cons of self-driving cars.

Tuesday, June 14
John O’Meara of St. Michael’s College examines the traces of the first stars in our universe.

Wednesday, June 15
Christa Brunnschweiler of the University of East Anglia explores whether economic backwardness takes places before or after civil unrest.

Thursday, June 16
Corinna Loeckenhoff of Cornell University details what age we think we are at certain points in our lives.

Friday, June 17
Berthold Hoeckner of the University of Chicago delves into whether wisdom is solely in the mind or if they body has a part to play as well.
