This Week on The Academic Minute 2019.08.10
Monday, August 10th
Michael Vargas, professor of medieval history at SUNY New Paltz, compares COVID-19 to the period of the Black Death.
Tuesday, August 11th
Tamie Jovanelly, associate professor of geology at Berry College, determines how experiences can change people’s relationship with a water source.
Wednesday, August 12th
Paula Saravia, researcher at the University of California San Diego, explores how a community’s health can be intertwined with the environment.
Thursday, August 13th
Falk Huettmann, associate professor of wildlife biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, explores the benefit to the public good from machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Friday, August 14th
Amir H. Behzadan, associate professor in the department of construction science at Texas A&M University, discusses how A.I. could play a role in flood management.