This Week on The Academic Minute (2020.04.13)

Cornell College Week on The Academic Minute 2019.04.13

Monday, April 13th

Laurie Grobman, professor of English and women’s studies at Penn State University, says the humanities or “soft skills” will become more important for businesses in our changing world.

Tuesday, April 14th

Monica Menendez, associate professor of civil and urban engineering at NYU Abu Dhabi, looks into the best way to move people around a city.

Wednesday, April 15th

April Thames, associate professor of psychology and psychiatry at the University of Southern California Dornsife, details why racism is toxic for your health.

Thursday, April 16th

Renee Penalver, assistant professor of psychology at Coe College, discusses how to be better engaged in a subject.

Friday, April 17th

Paul Dosal, professor of Latin American history at the University of South Florida, describes how to identity students that need intervention early on in their college careers.
