This Week on The Academic Minute 2021.10.25
Monday, October 25th
Daniel Braaten, associate professor of political science at Texas Lutheran University, looks into what influences immigration judges.
Tuesday, October 26th
Ricardo Azziz, research professor in the school of public health at the University at Albany, says mergers are not always a bad thing.
Wednesday, October 27th
Darcie DeAngelo, assistant professor of sociocultural anthropology at the University of Oklahoma, determines how rats can be a helping hand.
Thursday, October 28th
David Jernigan, professor in the department of health law, policy and management at Boston University School of Public Health, takes a look at how much alcohol companies benefit from underage drinking.
Friday, October 29th
Christina Kilby, assistant professor of religion at James Madison University, digs into Buddhism to see how it can inform the modern world.