Media Archive

Charlton McIlwain, NYU – Journalistic Perspectives on Michael Brown

Without doubt, Michael Brown’s death and the related events occurring in and around Ferguson, Missouri have

Richard Lachmann, University at Albany – The Tonality of Textbooks

The tone of a written passage can fully influence how it is comprehended. Dr. Richard Lachmann,

Brian Southwell, UNC at Chapel Hill – Social Media Disparity

The manner by which information travels on social media tends to corrode it’s accuracy. Dr. Brian

Scott Hanson-Easey, University of Adelaide – Talk Radio Racism

Racism can be cloaked in language that avoids overt prejudices. Dr. Scott Hanson-Easey, a public health

Andrew Mendelson, Temple University – Cell Phone Journalism

Can any mobile phone user become a photojournalist? Andrew Mendelson, chair of Temple University’s journalism department,

Pamela Keel, FSU – Facebook and Eating Disorders

A lot is being written about the psychological effects of social media. Dr. Pamela Keel, a

Dan Jurafsky, Stanford University – The Language of Reviews

Reading online reviews of a restaurant before heading out for a meal is commonplace in today’s

Erika Engstrom, UNLV – Wedding “Pictures”

Portrayals of weddings and brides make for good television programming. But as Erika Engstrom, professor of

Jorge Zuluaga, University of Antioquia – Debunking “Pandora”

With the announcement of a series of sequels, now is a great time to discuss the