International Studies Archive

Kim Haines-Eitzen, Cornell University – Acoustic Soundscapes

You’ll be amazed at what you hear when you listen closely. Kim Haines-Eitzen, Professor of Ancient

Megan Ferry, Union College – Foreign Language Learning

We’ve previously examined how the multilingual nature of today’s classroom is shaping language learning. In today’s

Amanda Kibler, University of Virginia – Modern Language Learning

The linguistic landscape of the classroom is changing. Along with her co-authors, Amanda Kibler, a professor

Dana Burde, NYU – Early Education in Afghanistan

In a recent interview, Dana Burde discussed her studies focusing on community-based schools in Afghanistan. An

Brian Hesse, Northwest Missouri State – Chibuku and Growing Rates of African Beer Consumption

The consumption of alcohol on the continent of Africa ranks amongst the lowest globally, but as

Alyssa Crittenden, UNLV – Microbiota of the Hadza Tribe

The old saying goes: you are what you eat. This appears to carry through into the

Se Hyun Ahn – University of Seoul – North Korea’s Energy Crisis

Energy consumption, creation, transport and usage are all serious topics that countries invariably deal with at

Susan Thomson, Colgate University – 20th Anniversary of Genocide in Rwanda

It has been 20 years since the genocide in Rwanda. Susan Thomson, assistant professor of peace