Food Science Archive

Susan Meschwitz, Salve Regina University – The Antibiotic Power of Honey

Honey is tasty, but it seems the delicious treat’s medical applications go further than once thought.

Don Schaffner, Rutgers University – Wash Your Hands!

It’s no big secret that washing your hands regularly will help keep you healthy. Washing keeps

Lauri Byerley – American Public University – Energy Drink Demographics

Energy drinks are typically marketed to young adults. But, is this the primary group that is

Ivan de Araujo – Yale University – Craving Calories

Are humans hard-wired to crave sweet treats? Dr. Ivan de Araujo, an associate professor of psychiatry

John Finley, LSU – Cocoa Power

Sure, chocolate is delicious, but the main ingredient offers us many health benefits as well! John