This Week on The Academic Minute (2021.09.06)

This Week on The Academic Minute 2021.09.06


Monday, September 6th

Meredith Kneavel, professor in the department of urban public health and nutrition at La Salle University, explores one group of unseen workers during the pandemic.

Tuesday, September 7th

Shamma Alam, associate professor of international studies at Dickinson College, examines how job less might affect physical wellness.

Wednesday, September 8th

Jacquelyn Wiersma-Mosley, professor of human development and family sciences at the University of Arkansas, details the steps to creating a culturally competent campus.

Thursday, September 9th

Richard Lopez, assistant professor of psychology at Bard College, explains how to use your emotion regulation strategies to cope with stress.

Friday, September 10th

Mark Miller, assistant professor at the Center for Human Nature, Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience at Hokkaido University, looks inside to find how the warping effects of social media.
